Windows 8.1: Right click Computer, select Properties, Device Manager link (upper left corner of the screen), scroll down to Smart card readers, select the little triangle next to it to open it up. If your smart card reader is listed, go to the next step of installing the DoD certificates. NOTE: If you don't see it, you can also click Start, In the Start Search line type in: devmgmt.msc. (For Windows 8.1 users, you'll right click Start).

If it did not install correctly.. Try this first: Go to Device Manager (Instructions are above), scroll down to Smart Card readers, right click the CAC reader that shows up below Smart Card Readers. It can also show up under unknown devices. Select Uninstall. It will give you a message. Once it is uninstalled, unplug the reader from your computer. Wait a few moments, then plug it back in. It 'should' start to install itself. If that doesn't work, keep reading for other ideas below.

IF you do not see Smart card readers when checking, THEN follow along with the steps below.

To install a driver onto your computer for a CAC reader, you need to first download the correct driver for the hardware you purchased, I have drivers for the most common USB Readers, Keyboard, laptop, & desktop card readers


Unzipping - the driver

Windows 10 or 8.1 - Save the zip file to a location of your choosing. Once you have the zip file downloaded, open the zip file (Windows built in zipping program). Copy the folder inside to a new folder. It will unzip the contents, (this is the folder you will need when you are doing the steps below). You can also use the Extract All Files button (on the left under Folder Tasks, under File, Extract All). It will then ask where you want to save the file. I recommend placing a backslash ( ) at the end of the location on the screen.

WinZip- Use the Extract button. It will ask you where you want to save the extracted files to, I recommend your desktop. Click the desktop icon on the left. Push the little yellow folder in the upper right corner of this active window. It will prompt you for a name for the folder (type in CAC Driver). Hit OK, then select Extract (lower right corner of this window). You should now see your new folder on your desktop to open up. Keep this for a later step.

Updating the Driver - Example is for an SCR-331

Windows 10 & 8.1 - Right Click Computer, Select Properties

Cac Reader For Mac Catalina

Click the Device Manager link (on the left side of your screen)

Select the triangle next to Smart Card Readers

Right click the SCRx31 USB Reader, select Update Driver software

Browse my computer.. Select Browse, then desktop (or wherever you made the folder)

Smart media card reader for mac

NOTE: One person had to select 'Search automatically for updated driver software' (This is very rare)

Select the folder (if using the firmware update driver below, stop at the driver folder, do not 'dig' down to AND or Intel folders) and then OK. Next

Your driver will be installed.

(Requires a physical Windows computer, Mac using Bootcamp, or TENS / LPS (see next sentence below). It will NOT work in virtual Windows (examples: VMware, Parallels, or Virtual box)).
Verify your firmware version before going through this process..
1. Go to Device Manager, type: device manager in the search box
2. Select the arrow next to Smart card readers
3. Right click on SCR33x USB Smart Card reader
4. Select Properties
5. Select Details (tab)
6. Select Hardware Ids
7. The number after &REV_ is your current firmware, if it is0518or0525there is no need to update the firmware.
Intel based Macs can update the firmware using TENS / LPS (instructions on top of PDF page 37 (document page 34)) Video instructions
The firmware update 'should' fix the following problems:

A. Card reader is not recognized

B. Shows up as 'STCII Smart Card Reader'

C. Shows up as 'USB Smart Card Reader' (not necessarily a problem)

Free mac os x 10.8 download. D. Does not read your 'Gemalto TOP DL GX4 144', 'Oberthur ID One 128 v5.5 Dual' CAC.

E. Does not read your CAC when using your Mac

NOTE: We are hearing Mac users having problems with the SCR-331 reader. A recommendation is to get a Mac compatible reader.

Installation Instructions:
1. Download update file
2. Unzip the downloaded file (by Right-clicking and selecting Extract All)
3. Update the driver present in the 'driver' folder (by following guidance above)
4. Once the driver is updated, Run FWUPDATE.EXE (lightning bolt) in the 'app' folder to update the firmware. Select the default choices.
5. Close all programs, restart your computer
NOTE: If you computer fails to recognize the CAC reader driver, you may need to try a different computer to do the update.
Now your SCR-331 reader can be used with Windows 10 & 8.1, or Mac.
FIRMWARE UPDATE for SCR-3310 reader
(V1 ONLY (doesn't have V2 after SCR-3310 on the label))
(Requires a physical Windows computer, Mac using Bootcamp, or TENS / LPS (see next sentence below). It will NOT work in virtual Windows (examples: VMware, Parallels, or Virtual box)).
Intel based Macs can update the firmware using TENS / LPS (instructions on PDF page 37 (document page 34)) Video instructions
NOTE: DO NOT use this update on a V2 reader. There is no firmware update for a V2 reader because it is already updated.
Click on FWUpdate.exe, this will update your firmware to version 5.26
CHECK SERVICES to make sure Smart Card is running
(This Video shows a very basic version on how to start the service (start at 44 seconds))
If your CAC reader is still not seen by ActivClient, make sure that the Smart Card service is running.
Here's how: Go to: Start, Search programs and files (in Windows 10 & 8.1), type: Services.msc Scroll down to Smart card, double click it and set it to automatic and click Start
Privatefirewall discontinued items
If you are unable to start the service; It doesn't show up; ActivClient still says no reader attached; or it acknowledges you have a CAC in the reader (but you can't access it) follow these registry edits below.
Windows 10 & 8.1
Automated method (double click the .reg file inside the .zip folder)
Manual method for Windows 10 & 8.1, (mirror your registry settings to the PDF links below).
Anytime you make changes to the Registry it is a recommended you back it up first
If ActivClient still does not see the CAC reader, try these ideas (if they don't work, your only other option is reloading Windows onto your computer).
Here are the steps on how to install a CAC Reader for Mac:
  1. Ensure your CAC reader works with Mac
  2. Check to ensure your Mac accepts the reader
  3. Check your Mac OS version
  4. Check your CAC’s version
  5. Update your DOD certificates
  6. Guidance for Firefox Users
  7. Look at graphs to see which CAC enabler to use

Step 1: Purchase a Mac Friendly CAC Reader

Purchase a CAC reader that works for your Mac. There are only a couple that you can choose from and I’ve listed them below.
If you already have a CAC reader and it isn’t Mac friendly, you could update the firmware, however, for the non-tech savvy people out there, it’s probably better to just purchase a new one and save the headache – they’re only ~$11-13 dollars.

Best Mac Compatible CAC USB Readers

Best Mac Compatible CAC Desk Readers

Step 2: Plug in and Ensure It’s Accepted

Belkin Smart Card Reader Driver For Mac

Once you have your CAC reader, plug it into your Mac and ensure your computer recognizes it. If you have one of the CAC readers we suggested above, then you should be good to go.
If for some reason your CAC reader isn’t working, you may need to download the appropriate drivers for your CAC reader. You can find these drivers on the Reader’s Manufacturer Website.

Step 3: Update Your DOD Certificates

Now that you have your CAC reader connected and accepted on your Mac computer, it’s time to ensure you have the right certificates in order to access DOD CAC required web pages.

Procedure for Chrome and Safari

  1. Type ⇧⌘U (Shift + Command + U) to access your Utilities
  2. Find and Double click “Keychain Access”
  3. Select “Login” and “All Items”
  4. Download the following five files and double click each once downloaded so as to install in your Keychain Access.
  5. When you double-click the Mac Root Cert 3 and 4, you’ll need to tell your browser to always trust them. Click the button like you see below:

Additional Steps for Firefox

If you’re using Mozilla Firefox as your primary browser, you’re going to need to perform some additional steps. First, perform the same steps that you did for Chrome and Safari. Afterwards, follow these additional steps to get started.
  1. Download All Certs zip and double click to unzip all 39 files
  2. While in Firefox, click “Firefox” on the top left, then “Preferences”
  3. Then Click “Advanced” > “Certificates” > “View Certificates”
  4. Then Click “Authorities” and then “Import”
  5. Import each file individually from the “AllCerts” folder. When you do this, the below box will popup. Check all three boxes and click “OK”

Step 4: Download and install CAC Enabler

Choosing the right CAC enabler can be pretty tricky. It all depends on what OS you have installed, how you installed it, and even what kind of CAC Card you have!
In order to get the right enabler, be sure to visit our trusty guide to Mac CAC Enablers! It’ll walk you through exactly which enabler is right for you.

CAC Access at Home Success

Now that you have a CAC reader, certificates, and a CAC Enabler, you should now be able to access any CAC-enabled website and log on using your CAC password and data.

Common Reasons Why Your CAC Card Won’t Work On Your Mac

Smart Card Reader Mac Os Mojave

Ensure Your CAC Card Meets the Standards: In order for your CAC card to work, it must meet the minimal requirements. Currently, there are only four types of CAC cards that can be used. The ensure you have the right CAC card for online access, flip your CAC card to the back and if you have one of the below numbers written on the top left, then you are good to go:

Smart Card Reader For Macbook Air

If you do not have any of the above written on the back, then proceed to your nearest PSD to get a new CAC card issued.